Runescape Armor-------------Full Rune(g)

2007-12-09 6:05 am
Do anyone have a full rune(g) that can give me?
My ac name is Waylon938

Or any suggestions so i can make 1mil and 23k to buy one?

samau88 can u type ur username in runescape too plz Add me my username is waylon938 Can u give me a full rune for free?

回答 (3)

2007-12-13 8:24 pm
sure ar la
i got 60m
add me lt1190
2007-12-11 1:28 am
NO, cause I am still earning money for a full rune =_=''
But I will tell you how to make money:

I will not tell you how to earn money by combat, but you can ask me if you want to.


Runecrafting is a great way to make a bit of fast cash, if you know how. Normally the alters are a pain to find and the best alters (i.e laws, nats, and deaths) are usually quite far from a bank. However if you are a mid to high leveled player that is willing to take a chance in the wild and looking to make a quick buck this could just be your ticket.


One of the 'Big Three' - or the three primary money-making skills - is Mining. It is also my personal liking. But really, the best thing to mine for experience is iron ore. You get 35 exp per ore, you can get it in one hit (after mining for a while), it re-spawns fairly quickly and it can sell for up to 100gp each. For money, the best things to mine are rune essences, coal, mithril ores, adamantite ores and runite ores. Rune essences are easy and fast to get; a great way for newer players to earn money (You can obtain these after doing the Rune Mysteries Quest), and plus they can sell for 20gp and upwards. Coal - 120 to 170gp each. Mithril ores at 200 to 400gp each depending on amount, adamantite ores at 750gp to 1,000gp each and finally, the Runite ores. They're the big nice cyan ones, and they can sell for a minimum of 12.5k each to 15k each! That's a whopping amount for one ore! But bear in mind that there are only 5 runite rocks, 2 of them in the basement of Heroes Guild and the other 3 in wilderness.


A branch out from mining, smithing is quite a good way to make money, but to do so you will need patience with it. As non-members, steel plate bodies (at 48 smithing) is a good item to make. They high alchemy for 1,200gp each, and can sell to other players for 900 to 1,000gp each. After that, the next best items are runite. Rune axes, scimitars, battle axes and kites are the better items to make and sell. They are also high in demand so you would not have to hold on to them for a long time. Note that 'Full Addy' can be in demand sometimes, and 'Full Rune' is also a desirable set. Then, of course, there are bars. Steel bars sell for 550gp to 600gp each, mithril bars at 1,000gp each, addy bars at 2,000gp and upwards each and finally the famous pretty runite bars, at 15,000 to 18,000gp each.


Second of the Big Three - fishing is a good source of money as well as a great money saver. The main fish groups people buy are lobsters, swordfish. Lobsters sell from 100gp to 150gp each (and even 200gp each sometimes), swordfish sell from 250gp and a bit upwards each. Fishing is a money-saver because you need food a lot of times throughout the game and what cheaper alternative than to do it yourself?


Last of the Big Three, woodcutting is another good skill to have. The good trees to cut are normal or evergreens, which sell for a minimum of 30gp each, maple trees at 100gp each, yew trees at 250 to 350gp each. Time consuming to accumulate the logs (and this applies to yew trees as well). Best places to get these logs: Draynor and north of Falador for normal trees and/or Evergreens. Behind Varrock Castle , 'The Falador Triangle'; three trees south of Falador, and a whole cluster of them in a very secret place - north of the Crafting Guild! Another spot is just directly south of Edgeville bank, but it's not advisable to get yew logs there as many people cut at that place.

2007-12-12 18:41:35 補充:
Do not believe RuneScape - Anti the Noob Scammer - RuneScape--龍的傳人(Tiktik04) and samau88. They're both telling lies
2007-12-10 2:05 am
I will

I have 2 sets of full rune and 1 set of full dragon

[email protected]

sell you or free
參考: me

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