Help maths

2007-12-09 4:45 am
A large metal cube is melted, and then recast into 64 identical cubes.Find the atio of the total surface area of the small subes to that the large cube.

回答 (1)

2007-12-09 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let S be the side of the large metal cube
the surface area of the large metal cube = 6 x (S^2 ) = 6S^2

the volume of the small cube =S^3/64
the surface area of the small cube (S^3/64)^(1/3*2)(6) =6S^2/16
the total surface area of the small cubes to the large cube
= 64(6S^2)/16 : 6S^2
=4 (6S^2) :6S^2
=4:1 //

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