剛上班,第一次見 boss..英文how to say...

2007-12-09 4:30 am
HEllo, Guys

英 文 怎 表 達....

剛上班,如第一次見 boss..英文how to say...

e.g.我 是 新 員 工..party - time....只 工作了幾天....對公司的感覺幾好..


回答 (3)

2007-12-09 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a new part time employee or I have just joined (your company name) a few days ago. I really like the companys' culture. I am starting to pick up on the way this company runs.
參考: I live in Australia for almost 20 years...
2007-12-14 10:46 pm
Hi, it is really my pleasure to see you in person. I am newly emplyed in here. Although I've been here for only a few days, I feel tremendously good about the company. I believe I'll fit myself quickly in the near future.
2007-12-09 5:31 am
Good morning!!

My name is XXXX and this is my first day here. Nice to meet you.
參考: Me

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