Passive vioice 20marks will be given to the best answer

2007-12-09 4:27 am
Please help me change these sentences to PASSIVE VOICE
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

1) What stung her?
2) Has Jane read this book yet?
3) I can’s stand people laughing at me.
4) Who is repairing John’s car?
5) Someone should tell Mary to stop being rude to people.
6) Will they play the tennis match on an indoor court?
7) Who is going to welcome the guests?

回答 (2)

2007-12-09 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) What was she stunged by?
2)Is this book read yet?
3) People laughing at me couldn't be stand by me
4) John's car was repaired by who?
5) Mary should be told to stop being rude to people
6) Would the tennise match played in the indoor court?
7) Who will the guests be welcomed?
參考: me
2007-12-09 4:58 am
1.What was she stung by?
2.Has the book been read by Jane yet?
3.I can't stand being laughed at.
4.Whom is John's car going to be repaired by?
5.Mary should be told to stop being rude to people.
6.Will the tennis match they are playing be played on an indoor court?
7.Whom will the guests be welcomed by?

2007-12-11 22:51:40 補充:
some are ungrammatical....
參考: myself

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