
2007-12-09 4:01 am
1.affluent 富有
2.materialistic 物質主義
3.ethics 道德倫理
4.implementing 實施
5.installations 裝置
6.hub 中心
7.automatic 自動的
8.distant 遙遠的
9.overtly 明顯地
10. reunoin 重聚


回答 (4)

2007-12-09 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
2.too concerned with material things or richness
4.putting something into practice
5.a set of machines or facilities for a purpose
7.able to be done without outside control
8.far away
10.the state of uniting again
參考: myself
2007-12-09 4:40 am
1. wealthy (rich)
2.adj of theory that only material things exist
3.system of moral principles, rules of conduct
4.carry an undertaking, agreement, promise into effect
5.something that is installed
6.central part of a wheel from which the spokes radiate
7.self-moving; self-acting........{able to work or be worked without attention}
8.far away in space or time
9.easily seen or understood
10.應該係reunion : reuniting or being reunited
參考: dictionary
2007-12-09 4:31 am
1.affluent 富有
having abundance; wealthy

2.materialistic 物質主義

1. the doctrine that all the facts of life are the result of the nature, action, etc., of substance or matter

3.ethics 道德倫理

the science that treats of right conduct
the principles of right conduct

4.implementing 實施
to carry out; perform, fulfill, as a pledge; execute, as a policy

5.installations 裝置
the apparatus to set up

6.hub 中心
a center of activity; focal point

7.automatic 自動的
having the power of self-motion or self-action

8.distant 遙遠的

9.overtly 明顯地
publicly seen or known

10. reunoin 重聚
to restore the unoin of (a country, political party, etc.)
參考: 啱幫你查了dr. eye同埋加上自己嘅專業幫你留咗你要嘅英文解釋,希望可以幫到你.
2007-12-09 4:09 am
having a lot of money or owning a lot of things; rich

the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life

a system of accepted beliefs which control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals

to put a plan or system into operation

when equipment or furniture is put into position

the central or main part of something where there is most activity

able to operate independently of human control

far away

done or shown publicly or in an obvious way; not secret

10. reunoin
the act or the state of being joined together again

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