
2007-12-09 3:08 am
我想問有咩airlne 做緊 special offer? 幾$?

回答 (4)

2007-12-10 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to travel Agent to ask what is the price right now. Usually will not be cheap
However you can try Air New Zealand, the price is not bad (not from their website, ask agents). Finally, go to oasis, however be careful, because the airport is not heathrow, is the other one.

If you still not understand, can ask me
參考: Me (study in UK before)
2007-12-12 11:49 am
everyone had a great time with KLM, 30kg give them a try.
you travlling a high season, not much offers going on.....
參考: self
2007-12-09 4:58 am
from HK www.oasishongkong.com leaving HKG 19.Dec Return 4.Jan Only HK$6000
in uk www.ryanair.com selling 1 million ticket for £10 each . offer till midnight on monday, you better be quick....
www.easyjet.com can also consider .and www.flybe.com is not worth to have a look it.s too expensive for the time while ur here.
2007-12-09 3:52 am


英國o既 Airline最近發覺好多朋友只係知道英國o既 low cost airline 只係有 Ryanair 同埋 Easyjet (其實 Ryanair 唔係英國o既航空公司黎架, 佢地係愛爾蘭o既航空公司). 但事實上英國重有好多 low cost airline, 較為大型o既就係最近剛收購佐 BA Connect o既 Flybe. 以下我嘗試列晒出黎比大家參考一下: (其實好多 airline o既價錢一 d 都唔 "low" !!!)

Air Southwest: http://www.airsouthwest.com/
- operates low-fare scheduled flight in southwest region

BMI/ BMI Baby: http://www.flybmi.com/ http://www.bmibaby.com/
- one of the Britian's full-service scheduled airlines (BMI), but running in a low-cost airline mode (sometimes)

City Star Airlines: http://www.citystarairlines.com/
- Scotland's regional airline

Eastern Airways: http://www.easternairways.com/
- a still growing airline containing network servers spread across UK, from Wick in the far north to Southampton on the south coast

Easyjet: http://www.easyjet.com/
- well, everyone knows about it!

EuroManx: http://www.euromanx.com/
- serve mainly Isle of Man

First Choice: http://www.firstchoice.co.uk/
- one of the UK's largest leisure airlines

Flybe: http://www.flybe.com/
- one of the Europe's largest independent low-fare regional airlines

FlyGlobespan: http://www.flyglobespan.com/
- a fast-growing Scottish low-fares airline, providing service within Europe and long-haul routes to South Africa, Canada and US

Highland Airways: http://www.highlandairways.co.uk/
- operate within Scotland Highland area

Jet2: http://www.jet2.com/
- a middle size low-cost airline

Lydd Air: http://www.lyddair.com/
- Operate a single route (on a single flight) between London Asford (Lydd) and Le Touquet in France.

Monarch Airlines: http://www.flymonarch.com/
- a middle size low-cost airline operate between UK and mainly south Europe

Scotairways: http://www.scotairways.com/index.asp
- a small to middle size low-cost airline operate mainly in Scotland

當然重有 BA (incl BA Connect, GB Airways, Loganair) 同 VS 啦, 不過呢兩間我相信各位都會實識得架啦.

比較常用到o既 airline, 應該包括 BA, Easyjet, Flybe, BMI, FlyGlobespan, Jet2 同埋 Monarch. 各位不妨去下以上各網站自己搵搵平機票啦, 尤其 domestic / within europe o既航班!!!

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