
2007-12-08 11:41 pm
1. is CO slightly soluble or completely soluble in water?
2. what is the meaning of polar or non-polar ? plz explain with an example.

回答 (2)

2007-12-09 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I forget,sorry
2.polar mean there have chargein the molecule/atom(e.g.NaCl,Na=+1,Cl=-1)
non-polar bonding do not contain any charge(C=C).
2007-12-12 8:36 am
from above
"polar mean there have chargein the molecule/atom(e.g.NaCl,Na=+1,Cl=-1)
non-polar bonding do not contain any charge(C=C)"

H2O is polar instead

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