
2007-12-08 11:08 pm
泡湯的英文(急) 要正確用法喔

回答 (6)

2007-12-08 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.to make soup by infusing in hot water
2.(said of a dream) busted; (said of money) wasted; (said of hope) dashed
2014-07-12 7:29 am
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2007-12-15 11:33 pm
泡湯是溫泉吧﹖ 應該是hotspring才對。
2007-12-09 12:15 am
1. Fall through

2. Soaks soup
參考: me lo ~
2007-12-08 11:25 pm
1.to make soup by infusing in hot water
2.(said of a dream) busted; (said of money) wasted; (said of hope) dashed
2007-12-08 11:21 pm
Everything fall through.

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