
2007-12-08 10:56 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-14 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The girl with the braids:

Several years ago, no one noticed an illegal immigrant boarding a crowded train in China. She had decided to travel to Hong Kong for a better life. She was a young woman, alone, with beautiful long braids. It was the first time she had ever left her home village. No one noticed her get up, leave her seat and stand by the train door. Out of the window she had seen the lights of The Chinese University. No one saw her jump off the train.

Unfortunately, as she jumped, one of her braids got trapped in the train door and was torn off. She suffered serious injuries to her scalp and face, so serious in fact, she died. Her sad ghost now haunts the university campus.



The lotus pool ghost:

Many years ago, there was a young couple who were very much in love. Sadly, they always had to meet in secret. One day, they decided to run away and get married. They arranged to meet at ten o'clock one night by the Lotus pool in the Chung Chi campus at The Chinese University.

The girl arrived at the pool at ten o'clock and waited for her lover. After waiting for several hours, she realized that he was not coming. She cried and cried. She jumped into the pool and drowned.

Sometime her ghost can be seen walking near the lotus pool late at night. People say that she comes up to young men to ask them the time. If they answer "ten o'clock", then the lotus pool ghost pulls them into the pool with her.

很久以前,有對熱戀中的戀人(據聞,他們就讀中大,但雙方父母不同意他們交往)。一天,他們相約在晚上十點正中大的Lotus pool等,打算當晚私奔,約好不見不散。
傳聞,她死後化為一隻冤鬼,每到晚上十時正,她就會出現,問途經Lotus pool的年輕男性「現在幾點?」假若回答十點時,她就會伸出鬼爪拉該男子下水,永遠陪伴她……
參考: 本人
2007-12-08 11:30 pm



女仔ge頭,,相傳系喺辮子路果到ge一棵樹上面................. 以前夜晩中大有時d人經過辮子

路時話會見到個女仔ge頭掛左喺樹上,,條辮仲長到地下tim wor(我認為好假ar=3="),,,但我


參考: 自己
2007-12-08 11:20 pm

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