"request" and "demand"

2007-12-08 8:09 pm
What is the different between "request" and "demand"?

回答 (4)

2007-12-08 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A request is (a) asserting a need respectfully, and (b) tolerating responses like "No," "Not now," "Maybe," and/or "I don't know." A demand is asserting disrespectfully and/or not tolerating any of these responses. Demands usually imply or describe consequences attached to them, and may imply "My needs are more important than yours right now. These can cause hurt, resentment, anger, antagonism, and/or anxiety.

請求 (request) 的口吻是比較溫和﹐有禮貌, 對方的答案可以是﹐可能﹐儘量﹐或否。

i.e. I have just called the airline and made a request of an aisle seat in the flight. (我剛致電航空公司情求他們安排給我一個飛機裡的路口坐位。)
要求 (Demand) 的口吻是強硬的﹐對方幾乎不能說"不"。
i.e. I demanded a refund from the supermarket for a pack of past due beef. (我要求超級市場退款﹐ 因為我在那裡購買了一包已過期的牛肉。)
參考: I live and study in the US.
2007-12-08 10:30 pm
1. request 請求 2. demand 要求
2007-12-08 9:12 pm
request= 請求
2007-12-08 8:24 pm

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