ok my dad died so how can i stop crying he died on september?

2007-12-08 4:58 am
plz help me !!!!

回答 (14)

2007-12-09 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Hannah,
First of all, I am so, very sorry. I definately know what deaths are like...... I go through them a lot. Dad's are a part of a person's life that are hard to live without. They teach you so many things, and when you loose them, it's very hard to get through.

Every time I go through deaths, I cry. A lot. In fact, the last death I just went through, my dog, I couldn't stop crying and acting depressed for four months. Four months. It was terrible. Every time I do things like this, I just realize that crying is a natural part of the whole death process. Pretty soon, you will realize the fact that crying isn't gonna make it better.

Feel better and i m so. sorry.

2007-12-08 5:58 am
It's very normal to cry. My dad passed away last October, when I think about the good times that I've been with him I still burst to tears. Remember all the good times that you've been with him. Before he pass away he told me that he'll protect me and my daughter. So I believe that our hearts are still together. When I miss him a lot I look up in the sky and my daughter will say the brightest star must be grandpa and he's smiling to us. So I believe your dad will do the same too. If he is here here, I believe he wants to see you happy and don't want to see you cry too.
2007-12-08 5:16 am
It takes time to heal. Its not abnormal for you to still be upset. I am very sorry to hear you lost your father. Remember that he still loves you so much and he is watching over you so dont feel alone. I say when you feel the urge to cry...just cry and let it out. Thats part of missing someone that you love. If you would feel up to it maybe some counseling would help you through the grieving. Its hard to let go but just know he will always be by your side still...
2007-12-08 5:11 am
Crying is a natural thing to do. You are still in the grieving process. This process takes time. You will always hold a special place in your heart for him. Always hold on to the good and the bad will go away. Sorry about your loss. My daughter lost her dad on her birthday-but she still holds on to the good and the bad has slowly went away. She thinks of him often and will always have a place for him in her heart. My daughter once said, "There are 365 days in a year and he chose to let go of life on that day. For that I will NEVER forget him even if others do."
2007-12-08 5:10 am
I am sorry for your loss. It is hard to loose someone close to you! What might help make the grieving a little easier is to find a way to honor your dad's memory. What did he like to do? Work outdoors? Maybe you could plant a tree in his honor or help clean up a park in his memory. Did he ride motorcycles? Plan a memorial drive with people in the community, and use money raised to donate to a good cause. You could also help volunteer for an organization that helped him if he died from Cancer, or Diabetes, or had hospice help.... It will make you feel like you are doing something good "with" your father. It will help you remember the person he was. Keep the good memories alive, and you must stay alive as well... (As in go out with friends, etc...) My condolences to you!
2007-12-08 5:09 am
First I'm very sorry for your loss & my heart & condolences go to you & your family. What u are going through is normal. U are mourning & it's hits harder especially during the holiday season. Try to think of the good times u had with him. Your father will never be gone from your heart. He would want u to go on. During this time be with people who u trust & will give u support during this rough period in your life. The best way to honor him is to remember all the good times u had with him & always think of all the loving things he did for u. My thoughts & prayers go out to u.
2007-12-08 5:06 am
You can get through this but your fathers death is not something you will ever get over-- but time does heal. Dealing with death is different for everyone and can take a really long time. I lost my dad at 21 and couldn't go to work for 4 months.
Give yourself a break, hang out with people you trust and care about during this time and don't feel you have to get over something like this so quick.
Grief has it's own timetable
My thoughts are with you
2007-12-08 5:05 am
Sorry to learn about your fathers death.You are grieving and you will continue to cry as this is part of the grieving process.As time goes on crying will lessen but you will always remember him in your heart.There will always be things that will remind you of him such as Fathers Day and Christmas.Try and focus on the good memoriesnot on the sad ones.I know because 2 years ago I loss my mum and I still feel sad.
2016-05-22 2:53 pm
Hi, I read this whilst looking for my own solutions and had to go through the whole signing up process with yahoo just to send a message back to you. I really feel for you. I think everyone goes through certain times within their lives where everything just seems **** and everything is against you and you begin to think that its all down to you. Im not really sure how to advise you on where to get help other than to search for counselling services in your local area on the net and see if maybe you can get in touch with someone to talk to that way. But as for everything else, well, to be honest, I was just trawling the net to find the best way to kill myself so I guess im a hypocrite or maybe I should be telling myself the same, but whatever is the cause of your problems...don't let it win..fight it even though its tough. You become a better stronger and more compassionate soul after fighting your own demons. There is nothing in this world that you can't get through no matter how **** you feel or how dark the black hole is that you are in. As for the diaorrhea, that is most definately linked to your anxiety so I would look into that even more and make sure you discuss it with someone, anyone who might be able to help. I know I am just a stranger on the net typing a message but I really hope that you turn things around for yourself. No-one else can make you happy, you have to want to do it for yourself, so don't give up. Fight. Now take care, look after yourself, take it easy and good luck with everything.
2007-12-08 3:41 pm
I'm so sorry! Losing a parent is so sad and it's ok to cry and grieve it through.

It is not ok place quilt, regret or blame on yourself. It is not acceptable to dwell in the pain. You must accept that he is in a better place now, no more suffering and remind yourself only of the wonderful things about his life. I am a mother and I can tell you that the greatest Love on Earth is for my children. I do not fear dying but I feel sadness at the thought of leaving my children behind. Please honor your Father's memory by allowing your greiving to end soon, pull yourself up on move on as he wanted ALL happiness ONLY for you. Trust me Hannah, this is what he'd want. By going on with your life in his honor is not by any means leaving him behind because you will never forget him, stop loving him or miss him. If you have a X-mas tree up go put a picture of him on it in his memory, he is watching you from above and Always with you in spirit. I have both Mom and Dad on my tree. (I'm crying now too Hannah) Peace be with us.
參考: In Memory of my Dad Paul. Feb23rd 2002 And Mom Gladys Jan. 18th 2005

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