Men, do you put the toilet seat down?

2007-12-07 11:03 am

回答 (17)

2007-12-07 11:06 am
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Girls, do you leave the toilet seat up?
2007-12-07 11:32 am
Why don't women put it UP for men? It takes more to lift it than to put it down.
Women who whine about the toilet seat should be forced to pee outside.
2007-12-07 11:07 am
i never do,and i dont see the problem,you go and use the toilet and you put the seat up and wee
what is the right way for the seat to be up or down

a girl can equally put the seat up when she finishes
2007-12-07 11:06 am
I would if I lived with a blind woman, but any woman who has the ability of sight is expected to "look before she leaps".

PS - I also look to make sure the lid is up.
2007-12-07 1:50 pm
Yes, when I used to put out my human waste ~~~~~hahaha
2007-12-07 12:57 pm
I dont care about the issue of having to move it before I sit- my issue is that when you flush and the cover is up, the flushing blows the water around, and your urine/poo water is now aerosolized and spraying around your bathroom. THAT bothers me. So I ask that if my husband uses my bathroom, that he put the lid down before flushing. In his bathroom he can do whatever- I dont go in there!
2007-12-07 11:10 am
No. If men have to lift it to use it, by rights the woman should have to put it down. Everyone gets a touch of the seat.
2007-12-07 8:52 pm
No, I don't. If I have to lift it all the time, you can put it down.
2007-12-07 2:12 pm
WHY is this such an issue for women?? C'mon, everyone is born with eyes and brain right? A toilet seats can be worked easily by anyone. Men tend not to use it as much as women and it's easy to forget, but if you see it in the up position, put it back in the down position. See that was easy! Just like opening and closing a door. C'mon ladies! You want equality? Start by learning to work the toilet seat and not expecting men to do it for you. How many times do we have to clean up after you and not say anything about it?? And yes, I do put it back down after being "trained properly".
2007-12-07 11:08 am
if they live with females , then yes they are trained to lower the seat! but if they live with other guys, it stays up! my daughter's fiance is a prime example of it! lives with his dad and brother, comes he and she gets on him about it! she will have to train him! lol

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