
2007-12-08 5:35 am

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2007-12-08 9:45 pm
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本園有超過三十年的梯田耕種經驗,成績斐然,我們把場內大約十七公頃的梯田闢作果園,種植了超過二十五種果樹。在一九九五年,我們的荔枝和龍眼曾因荔枝虫春象的侵擾而嚴重失收。基於對有機耕作的堅持,加上獲得廣東省昆蟲研究所的專家幫助,我們引入了本地的寄生蜂 ─ 平腹小蜂來對付荔枝虫春象。到一九九七年夏天,收成明顯改善,有力地向我們證明生物防治完全可以有效地代替化學農藥。
Organic Farming

Organic farming is defined as a production system which avoids the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or genetically-modified organisms. It makes wise use of local natural resources and fonforms to the rules of natural ecology. Ultimately, it gives a sustainable production of healthy, good quality agriculture products without harming the environment.

Organic farming techniques have been utilized since 1995 on a hillside area of about 4 hectares. Once thin and exhausted soil now produces over 50 varieties of healthy vegetables and herbs, all by organic methods. We use several different tactics for achieving this. Organic fertilizers, such as compost and green manure, add humus and structure. Crop rotation deters pests and disease. Companion planting of herbs repels pests, while marigold rows deter possible nematode infections. Physical repellents, like reflective tape, scarecrows, and netting, also aid in keeping larger pests out of the production areas.

KFBG has also practised terrace farming for over 30 years with great success. About 17 hectares of our holdings are dedicated to terraced orchards, in which we grow over 25 different kinds of fruit crops. In 1995, lychee and longan were practically unharvestable due to infestion by the Lychee Stinkbug Tessaratoma papillosa. In keeping with our organic philosophy and with the help of experts from the Guangdong Entomological Institute, we introduced a native parasitic wasp, Anastatus japonicus, to parasitize the stinkbugs’ eggs. By the summer of 1997, our harvest had considerably improved, suggesting to us that biological control can be as effective as chemical sprays.

2007-12-08 13:45:44 補充:
2007-12-08 5:44 am
有機耕種means that the vegetables&fruit grow by nature.When it growing,the framer never use the 農藥.It never got chemical.It is good to our body.
First,u must get a place that the goverment agree you to grow plants.
and u 翻鬆泥土 ,grow something inside .
Just like u grow some beans.
When it is growing,u must take care of insect.The insect may eat your plants.You may take other plants to kill the inesct.
Last,u can get the vegetalbes&fruit that grow by有機耕種

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