EOS 5D 用舊鏡既問題

2007-12-08 5:13 am
我最近買咗部EOS 5D, 用番以前菲林年代既鏡頭, 有冇人試過咁樣配搭? 我發現好似對焦有d問題, 究竟係部機既問題定係呢個配搭既問題?

回答 (4)

2007-12-09 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because the FD lenses are manual lenses. autofocus won't work. Even when you are using the EF lenses in manual mode, when the object is in focus while you press the shutter halfway, you'll hear a beeping noise that the object is in focus.

There are adapters to fit the FD lenses into the EF mount. (FEDTIC). However, in order to test the focusing accuracy of the FD lenses on your 5D, you need to make sure to make a series of test shots on a tripod to find out the lenses focusing point and then you check the view finder's eyepiece adjustment. It is a trial and error process.

By the way, since 5D is a full frame camera, good lenses are extreme important to produce good result. It is much less forgiven than crop sensors camera.
參考: 5D owner
2008-04-16 9:27 pm
請問有乜方法可以解決到對焦問題呀? 我發覺宜家用部5D配24-70時,遠端人像就冇問題,但一轉去wide angle 時就出事啦....

另外,我想請問聲用ZoomBrowserEX睇相時o既對焦點,係咪應該同影相時o既對焦點一樣呀? 我發覺有陣時會唔同喎....真奇怪呀....
2008-03-22 11:22 pm
高人就唔敢當, 大家分享下, 我依家所有舊鏡都用得番晒, 5D係全片幅機, 用舊鏡係冇問題既, 只係我之前唔係好慣部機所以對焦先有問題, 依家已經OK晒喇, 350D應該就唔用得, 因為唔係全片幅機, 可以去我網址睇5D作品, 幾乎全部用舊鏡影 http://picasaweb.google.com/sarawong119

2008-04-16 14:09:36 補充:
我都聽人講過會有對焦的問題, 不如你拎部機去canon較下啦
2008-03-22 6:37 pm
請問 Sara 兄你 d 舊鏡係咪 EF 鏡?? 我都想左 5D 好耐.....我係用開 EOS 5 ,一支 canon ultrasonic EF 20-35mm F3.5-4.5 U 鏡 及一支 TAMRON SP AF70-210mm F2.8 ! 唔知可唔可以用得反响 5D 上???
我試過將支 TAMRON 用响朋友的 350D 上, 發覺 Focus 十張相有五張唔準......

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