accounting 係讀d咩架?

2007-12-08 5:05 am
accounting (會計) 其實係咩?

accounting 要讀d咩架?

回答 (1)

2007-12-08 3:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中學會考會計會學double entry, final account, adjustment for final accounts, journal, cash book, petty cash book, bad debts and provision for bad debts, depreciation, partnership accounts, correction of error, accounting ratio, stock valuation, accounting concept, accounts for limited company, manufacturing account, final accounts for non-profit organisation...
高考會計除了學以上東西(有些會學得更深)外, 還要學consolidated final account, cash flow statement, managerial accounting, published account, accounting standard, leasing...
大學會計學士方面, 每間大學未必一樣, 但不一定只會學會計的東西. 其他包括: 中文、英文、普通話、管理、市場學、公司法、商業法、稅務、審計、財務、商業導論...大學會計除接觸數字外, case study亦會較多接觸.

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