
2007-12-08 4:55 am
Thank You..

回答 (2)

2007-12-09 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
朋友, 你明晚出發, 今晚先考慮簽證的問題 ??? 是否有點那個了...
由 2007 年 1 月 19 日開始, 持有 BNO 護照前往神根簽證國 (德國為其一) 已經不需要再做簽證了. 因此你可以持 BNO 免簽證進入德國及停留不超過 30 天
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-12-08 7:04 am
No.may be you have to prove in frankfurt that you have enough money to support ur stay.credit card will do.also most important of all .return ticket.

2007-12-07 23:20:38 補充:
forgot to metion .the airline wouldn.t let you board the plane.in the case you do need a visa for gemany.because it,s them responsible to flight you back on top of being fine.therefore no need to worry after check-in
參考: living in Germany more then 30 years

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