English - Word choice problem

2007-12-08 2:30 am
Dear writing experts, please tell me which one is correct and why you choose?

Frankie's managed to get a job "at last"/"in the end"

"at last" = "in the end" 同樣有最後, 終於的意思,

Tutor said "at last" should be correct, why?

Please help, thank you

回答 (3)

2007-12-08 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
你說到對,at last其中一個意思就是in the end.
但at last也有其他的意思,其中一個是:after much delay, effort, etc.中文作:終於(可參考牛津第六版)



2007-12-08 8:54 am
please tell me which one is correct and why dog choose
2007-12-08 2:52 am
"at last" is used when you have done something as a procedure. It is the last procedure.
"at last" = 一連串步驟後的結果.
"in the end" is used when you are talking about the end of a story.
"in the end" = "結局" "通常係故事最後結局"

Therefore, you should use "at last" for the end of a procedure.

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