英文問題, 請好心人幫幫忙

2007-12-08 1:59 am
He’s been unfaithful to Karen twice with women he said didn’t mean anything him.

呢句裡面"he said didn’t mean anything him" 應該點解?

回答 (5)

2007-12-08 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
"he said didn't mean anything to him"
意思是對他來說, 這些女人甚麼也不是....

p.s.這句其實除了"mean anything him" 中漏了個to外,其他地方文法並無錯誤...
建議不明白的人在yahoo search "unfaithful to her with"....

p.p.s.無論任何online translator我都認為絕不好用...因為它們只會譯出一些不倫不類的句子(中英文也是)...實在沒有必要把它們當寶...

p.p.p.s. To be honest, I think only those with low English standard would rely much on those online translators, hopefully one day these ridiculous sites or softwares will be totally eradicated from web.
2007-12-08 4:45 am
He's been unfaithful to Karen twice with women he said didn't mean anything him.
正如樓上kaiyeungwong所說, 句子除了him字之前遺漏to字外, 文法沒有錯。要明白句子的後半部, 應從整個句子著手:he said didn't mean anything to him 是解釋 women 這字, 而 with women he said didn't mean anything to him 則解釋 He's been unfaithful to Karen twice 這個clause。基本上, He's been unfaithful to Karen twice 已可以了, 但為了提供更多資料, 使意思更清晰, 便加上後面的部分。
He's been unfaithful to Karen twice = 他曾兩次對Karen不忠。他搞上的女人是如何的?原來是 women he said didn't mean anything to him, 即 ‘是他說過他毫不著意的女人’ (‘著意’ 即 關注、用心)。
He's been unfaithful to Karen twice with women he said didn't mean anything to him = 他曾兩次對Karen不忠, 而第三者竟是他說過他毫不著意的女人。
(他是講大話? 是後來才覺得對方吸引?這是後話了)
2007-12-08 2:14 am

原句英文應為:He has been unfaithful to Karen twice but he said those women didn't mean anything to him.
2007-12-08 2:09 am
英文:He’s been unfaithful to Karen twice with women he said didn’t mean anything him.


英文:he said didn’t mean anything him


你可以上以下呢個網站:http://dictionary.reference.com/translate/index.html 呢個係個翻譯ge網,乜都翻譯到嫁,勁好用!!!
2007-12-08 2:08 am
這句指文中Karen 以外所提及的women,對他來說一點都不重要。

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