幫我作個故事 係動物園 用英文 80字 快

2007-12-08 12:20 am
一個女仔到動物園 首先睇長頸鹿用相機拍照 跟住到 睇monkey 跟住隻monkey偷左個女仔個相機 跟住個女仔知道唔見左個相機 佢去報警 個警察問佢係邊唔見個女仔話係monkey到唔見 Finally係monkey到找到

回答 (3)

2007-12-08 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
one girl go to the zoo,first,see giraffes take photo‧then,the monkey touch the girl camera,after that,the girl apperiy not see the camera,she call to police station,the policeman ask her the camera where not see,finally,in monkey find
2007-12-23 12:25 am
2007-12-08 12:29 am
Last Sunday,a female went to a zoo .First she saw the giraffe and she took photo
and left. monkey to live a monkey to steal left female camera and live a female Zi to
know the Wu sees left with the camera camera Ju's reporting to the police a police
to ask Ju is a side Wu to see a female Zi words ising a monkey to the Wu to see
參考: me

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