為何開機就出現 sannerFB要關閉的視窗

2007-12-07 11:36 pm
自從安裝了logitech的web cam 之後, 每次一開機就出現scannerFB發生問題要關閉的視窗, 以前都沒有的, 我已回報了很多次亦未有解決方法提供.
請問為甚麼會出現這個視窗, 及如何解決這個問題, 謝謝.

回答 (1)

2007-12-12 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
On starting the computer an error message appears advising that “ScannerFB has encountered a problem and needs to close”. This began after downloading a batch of Windows updates. I have read this problem is related to HP scanners, but I do not have an HP scanner connected to the computer and have never owned an HP scanner. Also, the updates downloaded from Microsoft had no connection with HP. How can I stop this error appearing on startup? The computer is running Windows XP.

2007-12-12 16:11:21 補充:
Go to the ‘Start’ menu ‘Run’ and type ‘msconfig. In the window that appears, click the ‘Startup’ tab. Look through until you find “hpScannerFirstBoot” or “scannerfb.exe" ,untick the entry for that item. Click OK, and then restart the computer. The error message should no longer appear.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 14:13:23
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