English Translation

2007-12-07 11:16 pm

每一班課程設有限額, 若限額滿了, 你只可選其他課程.


回答 (5)

2007-12-08 4:27 am
每一班課程設有限額, 若限額滿了, 你只可選其他課程.
A class of each curriculum establishes quota, if the quota was full, you canned only choose other curriculums.
2007-12-08 3:11 am
There is the limit in course of every class, if the limit is full, your other courses only available.
2007-12-08 12:06 am
Course on each class is limited. If the limit fills up. You’ll need to choose another course.
2007-12-07 11:25 pm
Each class courses have limits, if quota is full, you only other optional courses
2007-12-07 11:25 pm
Each class of curriculum is equipped with the quota, if limited full up, you only might choose other curricula

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