
2007-12-07 11:10 pm
是否有個lego land ? 值得去嗎?

回答 (4)

2007-12-09 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
i.m suggest you to berchtesgaden.(3 days trip)starts from munich buy yourslf train tickrt.travelling with up to 5 pers for 27Euro. www.bayern-takt.de/public_main_modul.php?page_id=299&document_id=380 stay in B&B 0049-(0)8652-3916 book advance .view from this pension will take ur breath away.... berchtesgaden there,s alot of attraction.
lake koenigssee is a unique experience at any time of the year.
jenner ; 30 minutes ride with cable-car to the summit at an elevation of 1874 meter from there you can view over 100 geman and austrian peaks
salt mine: operation since 1517 .dressed in miner.s colthing ,rides in a train explore fancinating underground world.
Eagle,s net : Hitler.s home and southern headquartors,it was builder as a persent for Hilter,s 50th birthday.it aws remained unscathed from bombing of the alied force during ww2 .open to public since 1952.
neighbourhood salzburg austria (28km)worth for a visit.bus leaving beside railway station about 1 hour rides .
back to munich .day trip to fuessen is a must.neuschwanstein castle is one of the popular castle in europe. whole day trip!
if u still not having enough of landscope and mountains;then 2 days trip to garmisch-partenkirchen from munich with train. tour of the highest peak in germany (zugspitze)truly am unforgettable experience.it can reached either by cog wheel train (next to railway station)or cable car.bring ur passport with u if u fancy leaving germany for few minutes.top of the peak 3000m is a border control between germany and austria...!!!
fancy swim in open air pool(warm water) while temperture below null ? you can do that in gamisch.s public swimming pool or try ur luck in casino at night.
in munich you can visit 1972 olympia park.( undergroundtrain to olympiazentrum.)from top of TV tower spectacular view of city munich and BMW car manufacture cross the road can also be visit BMW museum right next to the companies headquaters,a sharp of a four cylinder engine. with U8 underground train u can reach( neuperlach zentrum)shopping centrum in the east of munich contains some 120 shops .and i sure
you will find birkenstock here.well.that,s all hope u find this little info. is useful !
2007-12-08 8:15 am
德國西部... 新天鵝堡, 羅騰堡中世紀小鎮, 啤酒屋等一定要去!
如果懂得開車, 就租車玩更好! 在公路上無時速限制.
legoland... 要留意二月有無開門喎, 我無去過, 因為我冬天去, 他們休館!
birkenstock, 我見過平少少啦~ 不過d 款唔同d
參考: 去年到自駕遊德國, 法國, 荷蘭
2007-12-08 2:54 am
有,都值得去, 但7天都可以行曬, 買birkenstock應該會平同理可以自製人仔同買lego land嘅Lego玩具,其他地方都冇得買. 
參考: me
2007-12-07 11:41 pm
是否有個lego land ? 值得去嗎?
Legoland is a chain of Lego themed theme parks. The chain has four parks, which are Legoland Billund (Billund, Denmark), Legoland Windsor (Windsor, Berkshire, England), Legoland Deutschland (Günzburg, Germany) and Legoland California (Carlsbad, California, USA). Legoland Billund is the oldest, having opened in 1968.

The Lego Group had owned the parks until 2005, when they were sold to the Blackstone Group, a private investment and advisory firm.

The parks are marketed to young families, and although they have a number of roller coasters, they are not as numerous or as extreme as those in other parks, and there is a greater emphasis on rides suitable for young children.

The parks are split into various areas, which are common between the parks, for example all the parks include a Lego miniland, a model village which includes models of landmarks and scenes from around the world made from millions of genuine Lego bricks. Other common features include a Lego Mindstorms centre (fun-based learning), Duplo Gardens (for smaller children), Driving area (including attractions such as Driving school, Boating school, Ballooning school and Fire Academy), My Town, Wild Woods and Knight's Kingdom.

The parks' rides are all Lego themed; many are made to appear as if they are built out of Lego bricks. They tend to be based on one particular line of Lego: for example, a popular ride at all four parks is the Dragon Coaster, which is loosely based on the Knights' Kingdom Lego sets. Another popular ride is the Driving school, in which children can drive small electric cars made to look like Lego cars around a small road network, after which they gain a mock driving license. The exact set of rides varies between parks, although as with the Disney parks there is some overlap.

The Legoland in Billund, Denmark, is the largest and the oldest. It is divided in 8 different worlds: DUPLO Land, Imagination Zone, LEGOREDO Town, Adventure Land, Miniland, Pirate Land, Lego City and Knights Kingdom. The park opened in 1968 and has 1.6 million visitors annually, making it the largest tourist attraction in Denmark outside Copenhagen.

另外搭飛機要幾錢?? 最平既歐洲機票約需 5000 - 6000 蚊

維期一個月,共需花費多少?? 因人而異, 歐洲一日消費約需 600 - 700 港幣, 一個月便是 20000 左右, 未計火車及機票

我需要咩簽證?? 特區護照到英國、法國、西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、捷克、希臘同德國不用簽證

該穿甚麼衣服?各地氣溫又如何? T-SHIRT, 牛仔褲就可以, 帶多件風褸比較好. 歐洲 5 - 9 月係夏天, 氣溫 18 - 28 度左右唔會太熱, 亦冇咩雨落

旅行支票是什麼?應該帶哪種貨幣??帶多少?? 法國、西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、希臘同德國用歐元, 英國用英鎊, 捷完用捷克克朗, 但香港冇得換. 帶多少, 又係同上面一樣, 因人而異, 一般先在香港兌換頭 10 日洗費, 然後再於歐洲用 ETC 攞錢. 旅行支票係方便遊客唔需要帶大量現金, 你係香港既 THOMAS COOK 或 AE 先比錢買旅行支票, 去到歐洲後, 搵返 THOMAS COOK 或 AE, 竟可以兌換現金.

住宿哪裡最好最安全最便宜? 最平就唔會係最好最安全的... 你講咁多地方, 點樣一次過話晒你聽??? 一般平既你可以住 YOUTH HOSTEL, 如果 BUDGET 多少少, 可以考慮廉價旅館, 一般都乾淨整潔的.

如果係女仔去去歐洲會唔會好危險?? 仲有啲咩係需要知道注意的?? 點樣可以減少危險??

1. 衣著唔好暴露, 亦唔好周身名牌
2. 唔好行橫街小巷
3. 搭地鐵盡量去比較多人既一卡
4. 唔好暴露財物, 盡量係酒店預計好一日既洗費... 唔好係外面四周搵野
5.. 如要問路, 老婆婆係你最好既朋友
6. 如有吉普賽小朋友圍你, 唔駛驚, 作勢打佢, 大聲鬧佢, 甚至你真係郁佢... 引起其他人注意, 佢地就會冇咁大膽了
7. 跟大隊... 多人既地方, 安全一d
8. 記住... 記住... 搭火車記住要打飛 !!! 太多香港人唔做啦, 會比人罰錢的
9. 歐洲火車普遍準時, 唔好遲到... 如果趕唔到, 馬上去賣飛 counter 改飛 !!
10. 請善用旅行支票, 唔駛帶太多現金係身, 又唔需要比 credit card 既海外簽賬附加費
11. 一般 credit card 既海外簽賬附加費為5%. 即係你買100蚊野, 要比105蚊的...
12. 如想用提款卡提款, 請睇清楚你張卡背面有冇 PLUS 既 logo... 有就 ok 啦... 但如果你張係 credit card 連戶口既, 我就建議你唔好用, 因為張卡冒 master a/c 係 credit card, 你提款就變左 cash advance 而唔係提你自己戶口既錢 !! 所以請準備一張最 basic 既 ETC 卡.
13. 如需要住酒店, 請預早幾日 book 定... 因為歐洲酒店一full, 就成日一齊 full 架啦.
14. 預先 set 定行程, set 左最好唔改... 如果你一改, 基本上成個行程都受影響...

可否建議一個行程由柏林出發前往歐洲各個角落? (不一定要在柏林出發也可以)
( 包括英國、法國、西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、捷克、希臘同德國)

不能, 因為你係去旅行, 唔係去搭火車, 一個月唔足夠你去晒你所講既地方, 照你既 LIST, 你應該係選擇係希臘出發, 而唔係柏林

首先搭飛機去英國, 再搭船去意大利玩 2 日, 跟住火車去德國玩 2 日, 然後火車去法國巴黎及南部玩2 日, 然後一程內陸機返倫敦, 玩幾日英國回港..... 你需要 CUT 緊一D 地方... 如果照你意思... 大約成個 TRIP 你要預 20000 - 40000 蚊...

參考: me

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