
2007-12-07 10:38 pm

回答 (2)

2007-12-08 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
A tree is a plant form that occurs in many different orders and families of plants. Trees show a wide variety of growth forms, leaf type and shape, bark characteristics, and reproductive organs.
The earliest trees were tree ferns and horsetails, which grew in vast forests in the Carboniferous Period; tree ferns still survive, but the only surviving horsetails are not of tree form. Later, in the Triassic Period, conifers, ginkgos, cycads and other gymnosperms appeared, and subsequently flowering plants in the Cretaceous Period. Most species of trees today are flowering plants (Angiosperms) and conifers. The listing below gives examples of many well-known trees and how they are typically classified.
A small group of trees growing together is called a grove or copse, and a landscape covered by a dense growth of trees is called a forest. Several biotopes are defined largely by the trees that inhabit them; examples are rainforest and taiga. A landscape of trees scattered or spaced across grassland (usually grazed or burned over periodically) is called a savanna.
Major tree genera
- Flowering plants (Magnoliophyta; angiosperms)
-- Dicotyledons (Magnoliopsida; broadleaf or hardwood trees)
An oak tree in Denmark


A Sweet Chestnut tree in Ticino, Switzerland


Leaves of Beech tree.


Birch tree (foreground) and maple tree (background) in fall.


Baobab tree in South-Africa


Eucalyptus bridgesiana on Red Hill, Australian Capital Territory.


-- Monocotyledons (Liliopsida)
Coconut Palm, a monocotyledonous tree.


- Conifers (Pinophyta; softwood trees)
The coniferous Coast Redwood, the tallest tree species on earth.


- Ginkgos (Ginkgophyta)

- Cycads (Cycadophyta)

- Ferns (Pterophyta)

- Fossil Trees

I hope this can help with your understanding. =)

2007-12-09 19:40:54 補充:
Further information of trees in Hong Kong (in Chinese)http://resources.edb.gov.hk/~trees2/main.htmhttp://www.hktraveler.com/hktree/hktree.htm=)
2007-12-21 9:26 pm
木*口*寸  木*木
參考: 樹林

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