About French Revolution

2007-12-07 9:05 pm
Why should the Bastille be seen as a symbol of unity?

I know what is the storming of Bastille. The only thing that I want to ask is why the "Bastille" is a symbol of unity. (not storming of Bastille)

回答 (3)

2007-12-08 7:07 am
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Bastille, fortress and state prison in Paris, located, until its demolition (started in 1789), near the site of the present Place de la Bastille. It was begun c.1369 by Hugh Aubriot, provost of the merchants of Paris under King Charles V. Arbitrary and secret imprisonment by lettre de cachet gave rise to stories of horror, but actually the Bastille was generally used for persons of influence, and its regime for most political prisoners was mild. As a symbol of absolutism the Bastille was hated. It had strategic importance, for its guns commanded one of the gates of Paris. On July 14, 1789, a Parisian crowd stormed the Bastille in the hope of capturing ammunition. The governor was killed; the seven inmates, none of them political prisoners, were freed. The storming of the Bastille marks the beginning of the French Revolution, and July 14—Bastille Day—became the national holiday of republican France.
2007-12-09 11:01 am
From the very beginning, in 1789, the Parisian (citizen of Paris) attacked the Bastilles was only because of hungers and they wanted to seize weapons and released the political prisoners inside the Bastilles. It can be called as an accident, but not well planned action.
In 18th and 19th centuries, romantic historians started to consider Bastilles as a fortress of aristocratics regime. Parisian attacked the Bastille together implied that French people joined together to oppose the Bourbon rules. This is the first time that citizens attacked the government together. To some extend, historian believe that a unity of mind existed among French, which mean Parisian joined together to fight against the old regime.
Hope you will understand.

2007-12-15 18:51:53 補充:
The person who asked this question has already comment that this is not an appropriate answer for his questions, but finally he chose it... funny and contradictory/...
參考: studying French poltics and history before
2007-12-08 3:44 am
The prison inside the Bastille are the prison opposing the King
參考: My Hist. book

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