進修 HR course

2007-12-07 7:54 pm
其實我從來都未study 過有關hr 的course, 只係做左hr都有1年幾, 想進修下, 本身已有一個degree, 但不是hr的, 我是轉行, so 諗緊study master 好定degree好, 定係我讀下d short course [ 在HKMA] 先

如果study master, poly u 定 open u 個master 好d呀?
大家都係$90k ??? 同埋返學時間係點架?

Thanks a lot^^

多謝你的意見呀^^ 我有諗過都係study d course 先, master, 我都怕handle吾到, 我問過d 朋友, 話hkma 果d cert. 冇mug野學, 就介紹左hkihrm 個cert 比我知, 吾知有冇人study過呢? http://www.hkihrm.org/ihrm_eng/ih_eve_cer_01.asp?id=6 我都有朋友讀hkbu 個dip呀, 但weekend study...對我來說 , 有點困難....平日返工, weekend又study...太辛苦呀^^

回答 (1)

2007-12-09 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
My background is same as you. I got a degree but that is non-HR related and I worked in HR for almost 2 years. I just got my HR postgraduate diploma in Bu. The reason to take a PgD but not a mater or degree is I have got a degree in BBA already so it's no point to go through some general education courses all over again. Also, I am not eligible to sit in master courses either based on my limited working experience. In a master course, it requires a lot of group work and sharing which I think it will be more beneficial for those who have few years experience in the field. For your information, the PgD HR course in bu takes 1 year, and it is a part-time study. You have to study 7 subjects for the program. Classes will be on Sat and Sun for 2 consecutive weekends for each of the subject. I am not sure about the course in poly u or open u, sorry about that. However, I do believe you may consider the course in Bu, as their courses are widely recognized by professionals in the industry.
參考: Self experience

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