
2007-12-07 7:01 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-07 7:22 pm
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細菌(學名:Bacteria)是生物的主要類群之一,屬於細菌域。細菌是所有生物中數量最多的一類,據估計,其總數約有 5×1030個[1]。細菌的個體非常小,目前已知最小的細菌只有0.2微米長[2] ,因此大多只能在顯微鏡下看到它們。細菌一般是單細胞,細胞結構簡單,缺乏細胞核、細胞骨架以及膜狀胞器,例如粒線體和葉綠體。基於這些特徵,細菌屬於原核生物(Prokaryota)。原核生物中還有另一類生物稱做古細菌(Archaea),是科學家依據演化關係而另闢的類別。為了區別,本類生物也被稱做真細菌(Eubacteria)。
細菌廣泛分佈於土壤和水中,或著與其他生物共生。人體身上也帶有相當多的細菌。據估計,人體內及表皮上的細菌細胞總數約是人體細胞總數的十倍[3]。此外,也有部分種類分佈在極端的環境中,例如溫泉,甚至是放射性廢棄物中[4],它們被歸類為嗜極生物,其中最著名的種類之一是海棲熱袍菌(Thermotoga maritima),科學家是在義大利的一座海底火山中發現這種細菌的[5]。然而,細菌的種類是如此之多,科學家研究過並命名的種類只佔其中的小部份。細菌域下所有門中,只有約一半能在實驗室培養的種類[6]。
2007-12-07 8:36 pm
病毒 (virus)
Non living (No metabolism)

細菌 (bacteria)
Big (compare to virus)
living (HAS metabolic reactions within it)

Additional fact: Antibiotics CAN NOT provide treatment towards a viral infection because of that it can not block the metabolism of virus since it doesn't have metabolism . But antibiotics can kill bacteria because it can inhibite the matabolism.

Hope I can help you la.
參考: me.
2007-12-07 7:19 pm
A major difference between viruses and bacteria is the method of reproduction. Bacterium is a completely self-contained and self-reproducing unit. Bacterium will split its DNA and RNA genetic material in two. Separate cell walls will build up around these two new bacteria, and this process will continue until thousands or millions of bacteria have formed. This is how strains of bacteria survive in almost every environment on Earth, including non-living surfaces like rocks or plastic.

A virus, on the other hand, cannot reproduce without a living host. A virus may lie dormant for thousands of years before finally coming into contact with a suitable host. Once it enters the body of a host, a virus uses leg-like appendages to clamp onto a cell and a spike or chemical coating to penetrate the cell wall.

Once inside a living cell, a virus replaces the cell's original DNA or RNA commands with its own genetic instructions. Those instructions are usually to make as many copies of the virus as possible. Once the individual cell has outlived its usefulness, it explodes and sends out thousands of copies of the original virus to other unsuspecting cells.

Some bacteria are considered beneficial to humans, or harmless, but most viruses serve no beneficial purpose.

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