會計問題...不同type既company既account record

2007-12-07 9:09 am
sole trader, partnership 同limited company
呢3種公司o既 account record有咩分別??
即係例如佢地profit and loss 或者balance sheet 格式有冇分別?
或者會唔會話有d sole trader 唔會用正式既profit and loss,而就咁用本簿記低income同expenses就算??


咁佢地之後有咩分別呢??因為assignment要我講佢地account record既分別...

回答 (2)

2007-12-08 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
sole trader ge P&L 含有一般ge income 同expenses,係 balance sheet 都只係有一般个 d
fixed assets,current assets,liabilities 同capital~
partnership ge P&L 除了以上 ge item 之外,仲要係 net profit 底下計算appropriation(入面
包括 interest on capital ,interest on drawings,partner's salary) ,最后按partner ge ratio 去
分配利潤. 係 balance sheet会多个goodwill 係fixed assets 下面,而且係 capital 下面有
partner's current account,詳情如下:
Fixed Assets
xxx Goodwill

Current Assets
Less current liabilities

Financed by:

limited company ge P&L 入面 ge expenses 多三項要計算,包括:directors' remuneration,
debenture interest 同埋auditors' fee. limited company 都要計appropriation,不过入面要
計 ge 係 transfer to reserve,preliminary expenses written off, goodwill written off,
preference share dividends同埋ordinary shares dividends.係 balance sheet 入面,最大 ge
唔同就係 fixed assets 下面多个叫做 intangible assets同埋个capital,詳情如下:

Financed by:

Share Capital:
-Authorised ordinary shares
-Issued ordinary Shares

-Share premium
-General reserve
-Profit and Loss
-Proposed dividends
參考: me
2007-12-07 9:45 am
They are in the same format in P/L and Balance Sheet, only different in owners' equity shown in balance sheet. Both type of companies should record income and expenses in general ledge format.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:21:30
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