okay, i just had a baby almost 4 months ago and i do want another one so they will be close in age. Anyways, how soon would you recommend having another one and were they planned to be that close in age? just curious as if i could do it. My baby boy -knock on wood- is so good. he never fusses or crys and smiles all the time.
I am 32wks pregnant with baby #2 and I have a 15month old, this was planned, but I am not quite sure how this will work out. If I were you I would wait at least 6months after the first one to give your body time to recover. Good Luck!
Hi! I am 8 months pregnant with my second bubba and my son has just turned 1, so I understand where you are coming from! We chose to have our kids close together but though it would take a little longer to happen! Having said that, it was a good decision for us, as our little boy is a good baby and so far, everything has gone well. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone though, because it is going to be really hard work when the new bubba comes. You have to toss up whether you will be able to cope with 2 babies or if one baby and an older child would suit you better. Also, remember that your older child will be going into that "terrible toddler" stage around the time the baby will be born. It is going to be hard work but babies are hard work anyway! You will just have to be organised and make sure you have heaps of support from family and friends. Good luck!
I have 4 kids, with my 5th due ANY time. All my kiddos are pretty close in age, (my oldest turned 7 nov 30th). My first two are 11 months apart and OMG I will never do that again. lol. I like the gap between my 2nd and third child. (22 months) They're close enough to want to play together and be best friends, but spaced out enough that I didn't feel like I was raising twins.
You also want to give your body time to re-coup from birth. Having my kids so close together took it's toll on me physically and mentally.
I would say give your body about a year after you give birth to try and get pregnant again. It gives you plenty of time to heal fully and time to bond with your baby. But it also keeps your kids close enough in age for them to relate to each other. :D
i have a 2yr old boy and a 11mo old boy. i am 35 weeks preg with baby girl.. 11mo old and baby girl will have a b day in the same mo.. yes i planned them this close and if i would have got preg right away after my first then my first and second would have been even closer.. i think its great to have them close because then you just have to do everything like once you know such as when they start school pickicking them up and dropping them off you dont have to worry abt one or two getting out earlier than the other than have to go back to get them and such you get me.. instead you will be doing all that at once... also they will not be bored which is a plus because when kids are bored that prolly when they will start tearin **** up for like no reason and then they will alwasy have somebody to play with.. on top of that they will all go to the same high school and jr high which is even more better because they can look out for eachother motivate eachother and they will watch eachother and tell you which one is doing what.. lol... then the best thing of all is they will all move out at the same damn time....
i think they should be one year or two years apart so when one is 5, the other one is 6 or 7 so that when they apply for schools, they could go to the same school. because when they are years apart, they will not be able to go to the same school and there will be a problem in driving them to school.
If you are only going to have two children, then back to back pregnancies are just fine. If you plan to have 3, then the 3rd baby in the back -to-back pregnancies will be shorted on nutrients.
My Mom had 3 babies, 3 years in a row (you'd have thought she learned when she had 2 in a row). After the first, it's just a matter of readjusting your time (she says).