I have a doggie door and they mowed the field next door and I acquired a mouse or mice (not sure) well...... it had babies and I caught (killed) the mommie (I guess) on a stickie strip and a few days later babies started running a muck. My dogs killed 4 and I caught 1 on a stickie strip, well the damn thing was so cute (I decided to save his little bitty life) which wasn't easy, ever tried to pull off a baby mouse off one of those stickie things? (hard) Well, he's now been with us for 4 week's and he's so cute, getting bigger and a little friendly. (NO I'M not handling him), I have him in a ten gallon fish tank w/news paper and a couple of washcloth's, he seem's happy, he sure likes cracker's and frito's. LOL
I loved #1 answer so far, my mousey's name is petey unless he turns out to be a girl, more answer guy's, please!!
Don't they need another to reproduce? I believe I already know the answer, my honey doesn't.... LMAO