Both of my eyes are bruised and swollen?!?

2007-12-06 10:52 pm
I was playing soccer and i was hit really hard in the face with the ball, now both of my eyes are almost swollen closed. how can i get rid of the two big black eyes, and i heard that if someone has 2 black eyes that they might have a broken nose, do yo think this is possible? please answer, i am in alot of pain and can only see out of my left eye, i dont want it to get worse.

回答 (4)

2007-12-06 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To get rid of the swollen in you eye, you could boil an egg and with the shell, cover it with a towel or cloth and roll it on the place that's swollen. it helps get rid of the black spot. (u have to do it more than once. like maybe 3 times a day) But i think you should go see a doctor.
2007-12-07 12:53 pm
Unfortunately, its gonna get worse. see a doc.
參考: personal experience
2007-12-07 7:04 am
You need to put ice on your face to help take down the swelling. I am afraid the black eyes just have to heal and go away. As you know a bruise is the blood from the blood vessels that broke in your face, or where ever your hurt, and the blood vessels need to heal. The Ice will help, but it is a matter of time. I'm sorry.
2007-12-07 7:00 am
Yah, I think you might have busted your nose. You better go and get your nose checked out by a doctor. I heard the same thing.

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