What do you want to say to Santa?

2007-12-06 2:14 pm
if you meet him.

回答 (32)

2007-12-06 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Can i have a ride in your sleigh :)
2007-12-06 2:16 pm
Hi Santa I'm a big fan! Just want to know how you do it and if you do make it around the world in one night, what's with the belly!
2007-12-06 2:29 pm
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas this year is one more chance to see me Da.
2007-12-06 2:17 pm
What the hell happened to the Chopper that I ordered in 1976!
2007-12-06 2:16 pm
you are late for 30 years
2007-12-06 2:20 pm
Dear Santa,

Let me explaine........
2007-12-06 2:18 pm
Santa, what are you doing on top of mommy ?
2007-12-06 3:14 pm
I want to ask him for an elf so it can do my chores and build some stuff for me.
2007-12-06 2:40 pm
I love you Santa.
2007-12-06 2:17 pm
Santa why is my mom putting present on Christmas stockings instead of you
2007-12-06 2:16 pm
I love you Santa

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