polar solvent同non-polar solvent有咩分別?

2007-12-07 7:41 am
polar solvent同non-polar solvent有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2007-12-07 11:32 am
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A solvent is a liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution. The most common solvent in everyday life is water. Most other commonly-used solvents are organic (carbon-containing) chemicals. These are called organic solvents. Solvents usually have a low boiling point and evaporate easily or can be removed by distillation, leaving the dissolved substance behind. Solvents should therefore not react chemically with the dissolved compounds — they must be inert. Solvents can also be used to extract soluble compounds from a mixture, the most common example is the brewing of coffee or tea with hot water. Solvents are usually clear and colorless liquids and many have a characteristic odor. The concentration of a solution is the amount of compound that is dissolved in a certain volume of solvent. The solubility is the maximal amount of compound that is soluble in a certain volume of solvent at a specified temperature.

Common uses for organic solvents are in dry cleaning (e.g. tetrachloroethylene), as paint thinners (e.g. toluene, turpentine), as nail polish removers and glue solvents (acetone, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate), in spot removers (e.g. hexane, petrol ether), in detergents (citrus terpenes), in perfumes (ethanol), and in chemical syntheses. The use of inorganic solvents (other than water) is typically limited to research chemistry and some technological processes.

Polar solvent

Based on the principle "cleaning like with like", non-polar soiling such as oil and grease is best removed using non-polar cleaning media such as chlorinated hydrocarbons and non-halogenated hydrocarbons. With polar soiling such as salt and emulsions, on the other hand, the best cleaning results can be achieved with water, which is also polar.

Due to complex production processes and oils with high levels of additives, various bipolar cleaning tasks lie between these two extremes. Polar solvents are available for such applications. These single-component solvents ensure good cleaning results in both the polar and non-polar range.

Non-Polar solvent

Will non-polar solvents dissolve only polar solute, only non-polar sovetes ionic solutes or all three

But why it would or wouldn't dissolve those three ?

Because "like dissolves like" meaning polar things dissolve polar things and non-polar things disolve non-polar things. That's why oil doesn't mix with water but salt does.

And how are ionic solutes different then non-polar or polar?

Ionic compounds are always polar.

This is what happens!
參考: My chemical reaction
2007-12-07 9:16 pm
The difference between polar and non-polar solvent is the CHARGE DISTIRBUTION and MELTING POING AND BOILING POINT

Polar solvent means the solvent molecule has an UNEVEN charge distribution.

This usually happened in a compound that has HIGH elctronegativity difference (often >1.8)

Example: HF

electonegativity difference:

When a F atom bonded to H atom, the F atom drawn the elerton that H atom has towards it self ( because it is electro-negative)

Therefore the H side of the molecule became SLIGHTLY POSITIVE charged, and due to the addition of that electron from H, the F side of the solvent molecule is SLIGHTLY NEGATIVE charged.

This happeneds within every molecule of HF, therefore the attraction happened between every molecule of HF.

Non-polar solvent means the solvent molecules has an EVEN cahrge distribution.

example, oil
They have van de waals force as an inter-molecular attraction, which is weak, but it increase as molecular mass increases. every oil molecule attract to each by van de waal's force.

Therefore the HF have higher metling point and boiling, Due to the STRONG polar attraction between molecules. (THIS IS STRONGER than the van de waal's force between non- polar molecules)

Polar compound are less volatile because the attraction is much stronger than those in a non-polar solvent.The molecules have less tendency to overcome the attraction between other molecule and vapourize.

Polar compound can interact with polar solutes, base on the nature of they bond. ( LIKE dissolve like , as the pervious answer explains.) therefre the polar compounds can only disolve polar solutes and verse versa for non polar.


polar solvents are higher melting points than the non polar compounds

they tend to be less smelly (volatile)

Polar solvent dissolves polar solutes and verse versa for non-polar solvents.

NOTE: Some solvents can have BOTH polar and non polar attraction with in it ( example propanone)
參考: ME.

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