
2007-12-07 7:11 am
1)Is it true that swimming and doing other sports snould be avoided during menstryation? Why?

2)How long will sperms die when they are exposed to air?

Thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-12-08 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Although some may feel uncomfortable during menstruation, it is perfect okay for one to do sports. Menstruation is simply the break down of the lining of the womb, so running and swimming do not affect the process. Moreover, it is always good to exercise oneself.

2) This depends on the type of sperm. For Human, there are two types of sperm, one will survive for 3 days, the other will survive for 7 days.
(However, I am not sure whether they will survive this long as the sperms will probably dehydrate when exposed in air and die very quickly.)

2007-12-08 17:53:26 補充:
不過錯左好多 grammar,你要自己改...
參考: 自己

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