
2007-12-07 6:37 am

Dear Peter I am sorry to hear about your problems. I can see how you feel unhappy.


I suggest that you should tell your class teacher and parent that you were bullied. It is because being bully by the classmates is a very fearful matter. It cannot make it to worse. You must stop their procedure. If I were you, I would leave them along.


Your classmates tease you nicknames and tease you look like a rhino. If I were you, I would say them you do not like this name and do not usually tease you look like a rhino.


The above is my suggestion, I hope that they can help you. Thank you for you letter. School social worker Chris Wong

回答 (2)

2007-12-07 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Peter

I am sorry to hear about your problems. I understand your unhappiness.

I suggest that you should tell your class teacher and parents that you were bullied. It is because being bully by the classmates is a very fearful matter. It cannot be made worse. You must stop their behaviour. If I were you, I would leave them immediately.

Your classmates tease you by saying your nicknames and you look like a rhino. If I were you, I would tell them I did not like this name and to be called a rhino.

The above is my suggestion which I hope can help you. Thank you for your letter.

School social worker
Chris Wong
參考: yahoo dict
2007-12-07 10:23 am
Dear Peter,

I am sorry to hear about your problem. I understand and feel your un-happiness.

I suggest that you should tell your class teacher and parents about your problem
of being bullied by the classmates. It is a very fearful matter that you can not let it worsened any more. You must stop their bad behavior. If I were you, I would leave
them alone.

Your classmates teased you by calling you with some nicknames and saying that
you looked like a rhino. If I were you, I would object them.

The above is my suggestion. I hope it is helpful to you. Thank you for your letter.

School social worker
Chris Wong

2007-12-07 02:44:13 補充:
Please read: I WOULD OBJECT AGAINST THEM instead of -- I would object them.

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