
2007-12-07 6:35 am


回答 (2)

2007-12-13 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
血尿: is called "hematuria" in medical terms, you can look it up for more info on the web
It can be divided into Gross hematuria: where you can actually see your 尿 become Red in colour
The other is Microscopic hematuria: where you can see the 尿 in the usual colour but when Doctors test your urine they find red blood cells.
They are different and imply different causes.
Gross hematuria is MORE SEVERE.

A few points i want to make:
Majority of patients with 血尿 have urinary tract infection
but 30% have Urinary Tract CANCER if they have GROSS HEMATURIA. Especially if you are also a chronic smoker.
Other causes include stone disease which 90% can be picked up by a KUB X-ray.

You can see a Urologist (泌尿科醫生) if you have GROSS hematuria
But if you only have MICROSCOPIC hematuria, an ordinary doctor can manage it.

Hope this helps
參考: MBBS 5
2007-12-07 7:36 pm
問題:血尿係咩來?血尿意味住乜野呢? 首先要明白,正常人的尿是不應有血的,血尿--系指尿液中含有血液成份,(若血液成份少則要在顯微鏡下才見血液成份,若嚴重時,則肉眼可見血紅色尿液) 意味住乜野呢?有如下可能:1)泌尿系有損傷(包括腎臟 輸尿管 膀胱 尿道有損傷,血管破裂,引致出 血,外傷時若挫傷腎臟 輸尿管 膀胱 尿道,均可見血尿)
2)泌尿系有結石: 石頭擦傷粘膜致出血。

2007-12-08 08:46:22 補充:
引致血尿,除上述多種可能外,凡泌尿系有炎症性感染(如腎炎 腎盂炎 膀胱或尿道炎症,均可出現血尿,只是嚴重性有不同。**女性的血尿--因排月經時沿陰道污染尿道口,這不是病理性的。

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