
2007-12-07 5:46 am
臺灣中國電視公司著名的新聞媒體人黃晴雯為其同父異母的妹妹 <--
佢父親同母親係邊個?? 個黃晴雯個母親又係邊個??

回答 (6)

2007-12-07 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
中文名: 鄭少秋
英文名: Cheng Siu Chow, Adam
潮爆大狀 御用閒人
楚漢驕雄 血薦軒轅

2007-12-12 20:40:22 補充:
鄭少秋香港網絡大典,真正屬於香港網民的網絡百科Jump to: navigation, search 秋官與王貽興被網民改圖鄭少秋,原名黃可忠,後改名鄭創世,又名秋官、扮野秋。曾主演《楚留香》,《倚天屠龍記》,《大時代》等經典劇集。他的前妻為肥肥沈殿霞,他們的女兒為鄭欣宜。 秋官現正與王貽興主持TVB節目《謎》,但節目播出後,TVB收到多名觀眾投訴。而網民亦認為秋官及王的演出太過浮誇,令節目膠化。

2007-12-12 20:46:00 補充:
出生日期 1947年02月24日 出生地點 中國香港 國家或地區 香港 血型 AB型 身高 180 厘米 體重 68 公斤 別名昵稱 鄭創世(原名) 婚姻狀況 再婚 家人或朋友 官晶華(配偶) 瀋殿霞(配偶) 鄭欣宜(女兒)
2017-03-03 9:58 pm
[編輯] 演出作品

[編輯] 電視劇(無綫電視)
煙雨濛濛(1973) 飾 何書桓
書劍恩仇錄(1976) 飾 陳家洛/乾隆/福康安
陸小鳳(1977) 飾 葉孤城
大報復(1977) 飾 陳廣勝/黃力/魏神父/元灝正博士/吉田幸夫
大亨(1978) 飾 徐紹良
倚天屠龍記(1978) 飾 張無忌
楚留香(1979) 飾 楚留香
天虹(1979) 飾 韋政立

代購#鄭少秋香港演唱會2017 !搶先代購!即上 Ticketbuynow.com購票吧!
2007-12-11 6:37 am
鄭少秋 Cheng, Siu Chau Adam檔案 音樂 MV 新聞 相集 專訪 短片 星蹤

所有唱片| 個人唱片| 精選/雜錦唱片 唱片資料
播放增加紫釵記 無線電視劇主題曲
汪明荃 鄭少秋
歲月留聲 11 - 煙雨濛濛
歲月留聲 13 - 秋哥有錢
歲月留聲 12 - 愛人結婚後
歲月留聲 2 - 伴侶
東方之珠演唱廳粵語流行曲 (2CD)
金曲情牽半世紀演唱會卡拉OK (2DVD)
金曲情牽半世紀演唱會卡拉OK (3VCD + 製作花絮VCD)
金曲情牽半世紀演唱會 (3CD)
家傳戶曉...我們三十年的主題曲 (XRCD)
2007-12-10 12:59 am
鄭少秋(Adam Cheng,1947年2月24日-),原名黃可忠,被收養後改名鄭創世,暱稱「秋官」,花名「勁揪」及「扮嘢秋」,廣東人,香港華人演員、歌手。(60歲)
出生地點 : 英屬香港
籍貫: 中國廣東

目錄 [隱藏]
1 簡歷
2 家庭
3 演出作品
3.1 電視劇(無綫電視)
3.2 電視劇(亞洲電視)
3.3 電視劇(其他)
3.4 節目主持(無綫電視)
3.5 舞臺劇

[編輯] 簡歷
鄭少秋於1947年在香港出生。過去是臺灣中國電視公司著名的新聞媒體人黃晴雯為其同父異母的妹妹,小他16歲,但鮮少為人所知。父親是香港中文大學崇基學院的教授,世代書香之家,但鄭少秋從小不喜歡讀書,卻對表演情有獨鍾。1963年,鄭少秋先後考入大喜、同文、南國實驗劇團第四期訓練班,取藝名為鄭偉雄。經由舞臺劇的磨練,使他學習到不少表演經驗,並為他爭取到一些演出的機會,他先後拍了《黑煞星》、《文素臣》等20多部影片。雖然多是名不見傳的配角,卻也為未來的演藝事業奠定良好的基礎。年輕時參加邵氏訓練班,之後參加舞臺劇,亦曾在電影中演出,到酒廊唱歌。 為了負擔家計,鄭少秋常到歌廳去演唱。他的嗓音清亮動聽,加上溫文儒雅的外型,逐漸引起娛樂圈的注意。1984年,還舉辦過個人演唱會。





[編輯] 家庭


[編輯] 演出作品

[編輯] 電視劇(無綫電視)
煙雨濛濛(1973) 飾 何書桓
書劍恩仇錄(1976) 飾 陳家洛/乾隆/福康安
陸小鳳(1977) 飾 葉孤城
大報復(1977) 飾 陳廣勝/黃力/魏神父/元灝正博士/吉田幸夫
大亨(1978) 飾 徐紹良
倚天屠龍記(1978) 飾 張無忌
楚留香(1979) 飾 楚留香
天虹(1979) 飾 韋政立
輪流傳(1980) 飾 盧正
流氓皇帝(1981) 飾 朱錦春
烽火飛花(1981) 飾 汪東原
富貴榮華(1981) 飾 林尚富
雙面人(1982) 飾 康存禮/莊雲風
夾心人(1983) 飾 江君政
黃大仙(1986) 飾 黃大仙
屈原(1986) 飾 屈原
杜心五(1987) 飾 杜心五
決戰皇城(1988) 飾 高寒昇
誓不低頭(1988) 飾 謝文武
大都會(1988) 飾 鄭世昌
大時代(1992) 飾 丁蟹
笑看風雲(1994) 飾 黃天
男人四十一頭家(1995) 飾 楊仲德
天地男兒(1996) 飾 徐永邦
新上海灘(1996) 飾 於鎮海
非常外父(2003) 飾 丁貴妹
血薦軒轅(2004) 飾 凌峰/宇文峰
楚漢驕雄(2004) 飾 劉邦
御用閒人(2005) 飾 高昇
潮爆大狀(2006) 飾 蔣文滔

[編輯] 電視劇(亞洲電視)
諸葛亮(1985年) 飾 諸葛亮
世紀之戰(2000年) 飾 丁野
香港傳奇-榮歸[外購劇](2007年) 飾 李國凱

[編輯] 電視劇(其他)
戲說乾隆(1991年中視) 飾 乾隆

[編輯] 節目主持(無綫電視)
故宮 帝皇秘傳(2006年)[1]
故宮 帝皇寶藏(2006年)[2]

[編輯] 舞臺劇
2007-12-07 5:54 am
Adam Cheng has a nick name, "Chow Goon". Years ago, Adam played several different roles in the acient Chinese serial. He successfully portrayed the image of a most eligible bachelor of that period of time-----the "Goon Jai", handsome, polite and knowledgeable. His colleague Debrah Dic Bo Lai named him "Chow Goon".

  He loved to imitate other people. His dream was to be a movie star. So he applied for the training class sponsored by the Shaw's film company. His neighbor once told his mother, " He was half the size of a person his age. How could he be a movie star?" The term half-sized referred to Adam being so skinny. Adam was a playful youngster. He liked to catch spiders on the hillside. Table tennis was his other favourite. Janudice was the reason why he was skinny and looked sallow. Although he was not bad looking, he didn't look as good as he does today. At times, he felt depressed since he couldn't even picture himself in a movie. Today, his "tai hop" image is so eminent. " It proves that if you set yourself a goal, you definately will get a decent reward for your effort." Adam always says.

  During his training, he worked as a stand-in. Although he didn't even get paid for the job, he was more than happy to participate. He was grateful for the experience. Later on, there's an opportunity for him to join another film company. There, he met late instructor, director Leung Ming. Leung used a psychological method practiced by a well-known Russian theatrical theorist. In order to express subconsciously, the actor had to fully prepare himself psychologically for the character portrayed. Then the expression became more realistic and natural. The method worked extremely well for Adam. Adam said Leung was the one who opened up a new side to his acting.

  Leung had a drama team at Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park. Adam was his assistant. It was merely a utility person's job with a glamorous title. Not to mention he was given a small part in the drama. One day, the leading actor disappeared because of financial problems. Leung highly recommended Adma to take the actor's place. So Adam became the substitute. He did not know his lines at all. The prompter was so loud that people in the front rows could hear him. However, everyone liked Adam's performance. The review was exceptionally good. Then, Adam decided to give up his training at the Shaw's so he could devote himself to the drama team. His experience in the drama team was the foundation of his acting.

  Those days Hong Kong was named the "cultural desert". Drama was never widely accepted. Due to the lack of response, the drama team was forced to split up. Adam went back to his training at Shaw's. Shortly after that, he was given a suppoting role in a movie. He was so excited. But at the end he found out that it was only his shadow that was filmed. If not for his height, he couldn't even recognize his own shadow!

  While fiddling in the training class, he learned that there was a drama competition in the Tsim Sha Tsui recreation center. He entered the competition and played the leading actor in a drama called "Lost My Way". The story about how a bad youngster turned over a new leaf. The plot was so well written that it received the best drama award and Adam was awarded best actor. This was a turning point to his acting career and also a beginning to his movie career so to speak. At the celebation party after the competition, he met Mr. Kwan, owner of the Kin's film company. He appreciated Adam's talent and offered him a 5-year contract. Adam was only 20 years old so his mother had to sign on his behalf.

參考: ME
2007-12-07 5:53 am
中文名: 鄭少秋 (原名no係黃可忠,改名鄭創世)
英文名: Cheng Siu Chow, Adam

潮爆大狀 御用閒人
楚漢驕雄 血薦軒轅

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