等左佢咁耐,佢始終都無來。呢句既"始終" 英文點講呀?^^

2007-12-07 12:53 am
等左佢咁耐,佢始終都無來。呢句既"始終" 英文點講呀?^^ thanks !!!!

回答 (4)

2007-12-07 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
等左佢咁耐,佢始終都無來。呢句既"始終" 英文點講呀?
at last
"I have been waiting for him for so long, but still, he did not show up at last"

After all, Hong Kong's economy is depending on the tourism sector.

or u mean this?
After all, the recent economic prosperity in Hong Kong is to be attributed to the successful tourism industry.

2007-12-11 09:14:37 補充:
參考: myself
2007-12-07 1:12 am
end up he/she did not come.
2007-12-07 12:57 am
2007-12-07 12:57 am
呢句既"始終" 英文點講呀?
from beginning to the end

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