
2007-12-06 11:30 pm
但因為老細係外國人, 我成日都聽唔明佢講咩, 都幾尷尬... =[[
我唔係句句都聽唔明, 如果講得快同深就唔明了!
想要d實際少少的方法... thz~

唔該哂... 希望我可以有恆心!!

回答 (3)

2007-12-06 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-12-07 3:36 am
如果你一開始覺得新聞太深或者太快, 試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2007-12-07 12:17 am
1. 逼自己聽英文新聞,開頭最好係聽收音機的英文新聞,因為冇得依賴字幕,咁會逼到自己去聽英文
2. 睇多d明珠台,無論係電影,新聞都可以。
3. 去書店買練聽力的書返屋企一路聽一路做題,勤d練一定事半功倍

1. Listen to an english radio programme
The RTHK 3 (FM106.8) is a channel which offers different english programme. In the first stagve, I will recommend that you first listen to some Chinese news roundup, then switch to the channel and listen the English version; today's listening exams focus on daily and current affairs. By listening to the news I am sure you can learn not only English skills, but also to know more about the world.

2. Watch an english TV programme
Certainly the TVB Pearl and the ATV World give various kinds of english programmes; but again, I will recommend their news roundup---it has got captions in english! You may have noticed that many films in these channels provide Chinese captions, with those Chinese words we'll never listen to the conversations. So the english-captioned news will give you a better initiative to listen to more English.

3. Watch an english film
I mean pick a VCD and watch it at home. Press the "caption free" or the "caption in English" button so you will try your best to listen to the conversations.
Another good thing of watching a VCD film is that you can rewind or even rewatch the whole film, so even if you can't catch some phrases you can easily listen to them again.

Anyway, the most important point is that you try it yourself. It's good for an S3 guy to start to get aware of his english...hope that my idea help and good luck to you!

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