
2007-12-06 10:23 pm
Film stars often complain that their private lives are badly affected by reporters.Do you think films stars have grounds for complaints?
Write a letter to the Young Post giving your opinions.Stars your letter 'Dear Editor',and
sign it'Chris Wong'.Do not write an address.


回答 (2)

2007-12-06 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 只能提供一些意見, 功課還得自己做
2. 既然是抒發自己對藝人私隱被侵犯的意見, 怎會是"投訴信"???

1. Start by citing a recent incident where an artist complains about infringement on his/her privacy. (e.g., Jacky Cheung's dispute with the Filipino Consulate on employment of domestic helpers was made know to the public).
2. State your opinion, such as
-- You do not agree with the way that reporters report private matters of artists.
-- The public does not need to know about the private life of artists, for artists are the people who entertain us with their talent, not by revealing their private life to us.
-- Reporting of the private life of artists is a waste of time and resources.
-- Artists are members of the community and, like all of us, should not be deprived of the right to privacy.
-- The reporters set a bad example for the younger generation who might be misled to believe that it is no big deal to infringe the privacy of others .
2007-12-12 5:41 pm
I wish to share with all of you what I think of cases where artists suffer deprivation of privacy as the reporters go to far to report their private life. I think is is unacceptable because everyone in our community is entitled to the right to privacy and the artists are no exception.

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