
2007-12-06 9:19 pm
分手原因就因為覺得佢好煩住我, 同好好色.
咁我返返黎hk 放假啦.
我唔知點解我又中2返我之前中2果個人, 佢係tb黎ge.
我同佢唔係好熟果隻, 但係都有時傾下電話咁啦.
可能佢對我太好, 令我有種錯
有一日, 我去佢xanga, 我見倒佢話要公開佢同佢女朋友ge 關係.
睇完之後, 我真係好hurt. (佢知道我之前中2佢.....)
但係, 我...... 最後都起佢xanga都祝福佢....
其實, 我想問我係唔係les or...?
仲有一個問題係, 您覺得我可以點, 我ge 意思係,,,,, 我同我中2果個人......

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你係les 就一定啦,
至於你同佢, 佢知道你還鍾意佢嗎, 之前佢有冇話鍾意你,我諗你要同佢傾下, 聯絡返佢,
需然,佢以公開佢同佢朋友的關係,但你都要同佢表白你對佢的心, 或者有70%佢會覺得你比較適合佢呢.如果你唔講就0%囉.
2007-12-07 2:52 am
Sorry for typing it in English @@" this computer can`t type Chinese
I don`t think you are really les.. sometimes it`s just "like", not "love"
I loved a tb b4 too.. I`m still not sure am i les or whatever, but I know I like boy.
if you said you know her before you go to other countries. then you must liked her for a long long time, I guess. I don`t really know how long do you need to get rid of this problem cuz I`m having the same problem too, I stillk can`t 4get the tb I loved b4 I go to ca study.. I think you should keep being a friend w/ her, maybe she will know more about you then be w/ you one day in case, i mean just in case they broke up..
參考: me

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