
2007-12-06 7:22 pm

回答 (5)

2007-12-07 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope the below helps you:
If the company devises a set of policy and procedure in which staff can express their views or opinion and the management office is positive to accept, this will hopefully raise the level of open communications between the management office and staff.
2007-12-07 5:38 am
It will definitely promote communication between the staff and the management of a company if there is a channel for both the staff to air their opinion and the management to listen to it.
2007-12-07 5:15 am
If the company has the mechanism for employees to express their opinion, and at the same time those in the superiors are willing to listen, the communication between and them would be enhanced.
參考: myself
2007-12-07 2:33 am
If the company has a set of mechanisms can let the staff express their suggestion , administration and supervision authorities' words willing to listen to at the same time , this will help to improve the communication of the staff and administration and supervision authorities.
參考: me
2007-12-06 9:09 pm
If the company can be a mechanism to allow employees to express their views, while management also willing to listen to anything, this will help enhance communication between the staff and management.

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