
2007-12-06 5:52 pm
大家好呀,請大家幫忙! 我不是什麼醫科學生,只對醫學很有興趣,而且我的女朋友經常都擔心自己患病,我又答不到她。我在般書店找到的醫學書很少,我想要多啲選擇及更詳盡的書籍。可以知道更多知識及預防方法! 請問那裡有得賣,又或者有一些綱站可以提供!

1) 靜脈曲張(完全找不到這類書籍)
2) 眼部的疾病 (如慢性結膜炎) (很難搵到)
3) 間歇性胸口痛
4) 助骨神經痛
5) 肋間神經痛
6) 所有有關胸口的毛病


回答 (2)

2007-12-06 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mcbarron book store
McBARRON BOOK CO., Flat C, 1st Floor, Pak Lok Building,
322-326A, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

this store is where medical and nursing students usu buy their textbooks from.

but i'm not sure if they're suitable for you...because even for medical students, they're NOT easy to understand...it's not like those books in general book stores, which explain the diseases in easy ways and laymen terms. they're full of proferssional jagons and u HAVE to have some biological knowledge foundation to get something out of it.
it'll be quite expensive too.
they'll be very professional and may not be very useful to you, as they're aimed for doctors and nurses...

anyway, u may go and have a look and see if the books there can help you.

2007-12-08 03:43:30 補充:
actually, i think wikipedia is enough for you.it's easy to use and comphrehensive
參考: medic student
2007-12-08 8:13 am

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