If my father has down syndrome, can my daughter get it?

2007-12-06 12:47 am
I need answers to this situation:

My wife has just turned 40 and I am 45 years old. This is our first child. We did not undergo any prenatal test for any disorders. This might have been a mistake. The new neighbors next door have a Down's syndrome infant. They are about our age. My wife's father was recently diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease. What is the chance that our daughter has Down's syndrome? Is there a connection between my father-in-law's illness and Down's syndrome? How can we find out for sure?

i need this for a bio project im doing..please help!

that's the assignment paragraph that she gave me to look up

回答 (11)

2007-12-06 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no conclusive research on the causes of Alzheimer's disease. I don't think there's any co-relation between Alzheimer's disease and Down's Syndrome. However, high materal age has been postively related to higher instances of Down's syndrome. To know for sure, go for a genetic test.
2007-12-06 1:01 am
Most cases of Down syndrome aren't inherited, it happens when something goes wrong in cell division during the development of the egg, sperm, or embryo. 1 in 700 children will have Down syndrome and 6,000 are born with it each year. The only type of Down syndrome that can be from the parent is Translocation. It is very uncommon, in fact, only about 4% of children with Down syndrome have the Translocation type and only about half of those have inherited it from their parents, so theres very little chance.
2016-05-28 8:55 pm
any pregnancy when the mother is over 40 years old has an increased risk of having a baby with Downs Syndrome. Also, research and studies have shown that for some reason theres an increased risk of the individual to develop Alzheimer's later in life. I would see about getting the tests done as soon as you can, it's rather important for the baby (might have other problems). If in fact your child is born with Downs Syndrome, the best bet is to enroll your family and the child into an Early Intervention Program. This program will provide supports to your family that will help and encourage your child to succeed. Good Luck.
2007-12-06 1:05 am
any pregnancy when the mother is over 40 years old has an increased risk of having a baby with Downs Syndrome. Also, research and studies have shown that for some reason theres an increased risk of the individual to develop Alzheimer's later in life.
I would see about getting the tests done as soon as you can, it's rather important for the baby (might have other problems).

If in fact your child is born with Downs Syndrome, the best bet is to enroll your family and the child into an Early Intervention Program. This program will provide supports to your family that will help and encourage your child to succeed.
Good Luck.
參考: Myself, graduated w/ bach. degree in Special Education + Speech Pathology/Audiology. Currently work as a Speech Therapist for Intellectually Disabled Adults in Virginia.
2007-12-06 12:56 am
I am not aware of any links between down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease.
2007-12-06 12:53 am
i dunno. i just know people with down syndrome have a greater risk of developing alzheimers. but that isnt the only cause.
2007-12-06 12:52 am
I have never heard of a connection between Alsheimers and Down'd syndrome but I have heard that people that have children late in life are more likely to have a child with downs syndrome.

You should check with an expert.
2007-12-06 12:51 am
Down's Syndrome risk increases over 40, but Alzheimer's is a mental disease so I don't think there'd be any link between the two because it's something that occurs later in life.

2007-12-06 12:50 am
ask a doctor. he/she would no.
your 45 and your doing a bio project?
2007-12-06 12:49 am
it does run in familys, I have an uncle with down syndrome and his cousin also has it.
2007-12-06 12:49 am
參考: poob

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