Conservation by organic farm??

2007-12-06 6:41 am
How to use organic farm to convervation in HK??
Any information and example??

回答 (1)

2007-12-07 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To cope with the increasing demand for healthy food and environmental protection, many countries have actively been developing organic farming since the 1990's. Promoting the sustainable development of organic farming in Hong Kong can be a way to ensure a safe and quality food supply and an ecologically balanced living environment for our future generations.
Organic farming is defined as a production system which avoids the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or genetically-modified organisms. It makes wise use of local natural resources and fonforms to the rules of natural ecology. Ultimately, it gives a sustainable production of healthy, good quality agriculture products without harming the environment.
In Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden organic farming techniques have been utilized since 1995 on a hillside area of about 4 hectares. Once thin and exhausted soil now produces over 50 varieties of healthy vegetables and herbs, all by organic methods. Several different tactics have been used for achieving this. Organic fertilizers, such as compost and green manure, add humus and structure. Crop rotation deters pests and disease. Companion planting of herbs repels pests, while marigold rows deter possible nematode infections. Physical repellents, like reflective tape, scarecrows, and netting, also aid in keeping larger pests out of the production areas.
In 1995, lychee and longan were practically unharvestable due to infestion by the Lychee Stinkbug Tessaratoma papillosa. In keeping with Kadoorie's organic philosophy and with the help of experts from the Guangdong Entomological Institute, a native parasitic wasp was introduced , Anastatus japonicus, to parasitize the stinkbugs' eggs. By the summer of 1997, harvest had considerably improved, suggesting that biological control can be as effective as chemical sprays.
Organic farming excludes the use of certain, though not always, synthetic inputs, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In a number of countries, including the US, China and most of Europe organic farming is also defined by law, so that the commercial use of the term organic to describe farming and food products is regulated by the government. Where laws exist, organic certification is available to farms for a fee, and it is usually illegal for a non-certified farm to call itself or its products organic.
Methods of organic farming vary. However, organic approaches share common goals and practices. In addition to the exclusion of synthetic agrichemicals, these include protection of the soil (from erosion, nutrient depletion, structural breakdown), promotion of biodiversity. Organic farming is a form of agriculture which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, and livestock feed additives. As far as possible organic farmers rely on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and tilth, to supply plant nutrients, and to control weeds, insects and other pests.
According to the international organic farming organisation IFOAM : "The role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings."
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)

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