
2007-12-06 6:27 am
急…不知按錯了甚麼掣?進入Yahoo Mail後d字體冇la la變細咗,我在控制台的設定值內的螢幕解釋度一向都是800x600個像數,色彩品質最高32位元,請幫幫手。

回答 (5)

2007-12-06 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
可能你唔小心禁錯掣.. 或者你試吓開咗個internet explorer, 然後按住ctrl(不好放手), 轆吓mouse上的轆轆.. 你會發現, 其實可以放大縮小..

不過唔知係唔係你要的答案, 希望幫到你啦!
參考: 自己
2007-12-06 6:43 am
U can pess the right buttom of your mouse on the wallpaper and pess 內容 pessthe right of 外觀 (on the top on that) under the picture You can see a line With a > . Than u pull the > to the right and u can see ? x? under the line than u can make it into 800x600
2007-12-06 6:37 am
你試下禁實個ctrl制 ..跟住再試下碌下mouse個scoll就應該得架喇
參考: 自己
2007-12-06 6:36 am
2007-12-06 6:33 am

2007-12-05 22:35:13 補充:

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