
2007-12-06 5:07 am

please help me~~~

回答 (3)

2007-12-06 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some people win by making a beautiful dash at the departure line. I knew I wasn't one of them but that doesn't mean I will be the last to finish. No matter what, I will go all out to reach my destination, as long as time is still on my side.

2007-12-06 14:33:12 補充:
start line 也可以用來代替 departure line﹐ 意思一樣。thanks for the kiss =)
參考: eva
2007-12-06 5:25 am
Someone can win on the starting line. I know I am not the one of them, but this does not mean I will lost at last. Anyway, there is still time and room for me to try my best to fight for my aim!
2007-12-06 5:21 am
Some people win in the starting point.I know I am not one of them.This does not mean I will lost.Anyway .I will try my best.

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