
2007-12-06 4:52 am

回答 (4)

2007-12-06 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
How time files! All things can be forgotten by time pass. but, how can i forget that ...that things?
2007-12-06 5:08 am
The past events like smoke, along with lives the time dissipating,
many matters by pass through slowly fade from the memory. But, a
matter, a matter, my spot can forget?
2007-12-06 5:04 am
The past events like smoke, along with lives in the time dissipation, many matters by pass through fade from the memory slowly. But, a matter, a matter, my spot can forget?
2007-12-06 5:00 am
Many things is so fast,the time is runing,many things can slow forget.But this thing,this thing,this thing,I shall not forget.
參考: me

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