
2007-12-06 4:36 am
Ray can arrange the activity in the weekend.
For exmaple, he likes go camping, riding the bicycle, the swimming and boating.
Then that activity are good for people healths.
The weekend leisure activity can be relax his mood and forget the stress.

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Ray always/usually arranges some activities on the weekend.
OR Ray likes arranging some activities on the weekend.
--> can = 能夠, 不適合用在這句子中
--> on the weekend = common mistake of using 'in'
--> BTW, can 後面一定要用 bare infinitive, 以上解答者用 can arranges 是錯的

2. For example, he likes going camping, riding bicycle, swimming and rowing.
--> likes 後面用 gerund
--> riding bicycle is an activity, gerund, no need to add a/an/the in front
--> swimming is an activity, gerund, no need to add a/an/the in front
--> 划艇 is rowing, not boating

3. These activities are good for health.
--> then = 之後, 不適合用在這句子中
--> these activities = 因為之前的句子引述了多種活動, 所以 plural
--> 不用加 people in front of health, 因為大家都知是說人的健康
--> health 不可以加 s

4. Leisure activities on the weekend let him relax and forget his stress.
OR Leisure activities on the weekend can/may make him relaxed and let him forget his stress
--> can be relax = wrong grammar
2007-12-06 6:22 am
1. Ray can arranges the activity at the weekend

2.For exmaple, he likes goinng to camp, riding the bicycle,swimming and boating.

3. Then, these activities are good for people health.

4. The weekend leisure activities can relax his mood and let him forget his stress.

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