
2007-12-06 4:18 am
king sword(任務)

回答 (3)

2007-12-06 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

去完搵Sir Vyvin's squire 之後…
去varrock castle 個library 問reldo diango 既位置…(pic.2)
俾兩個Redberry pie diango, 佢話要幅劍既 protrait 先可以整把劍
(J.L. remark:去找portrait 之前要去找 sir vyvin's squire多一次,問有關portraot既事)
去White Knight's Castle 3rd floor,search sir vyvin 既房個 cupboard…攞到portrait(畫像)

最後拎兩個iron bars 同你要既armour 去diango's house 隔離個dungeon (pic.2 去搵blurite。 mine 1 個blurite ore(要lvl 10 mining) 跟住去番diango 度俾d materials 佢去整sword

俾番把sword 呀squire 就搞掂…

你自己都想要把blurie's sword既話可以拎1 個blurite ore 同2 iron barsdrop blurite sword俾squire d materials,再整多把…pick 番把sword 咁你就有兩把sword (1 for u ; 1 for knight)
2007-12-15 7:48 am
我估你唔係問個任務點做囉...我估你問我完成任務之後升左你一樣lv,而果樣lv係點升係咪?你用pickaxe,一開始就去map既有個pickaxe既圖案既地方mine野(varrock出面有)mine左capper石同tin石,去一個爐到燒,變成bronze bar,之後再帶一個hammer去map既個圖案似錘既地方,use個bar and click舊野,開始做你既amour or weapon,咁就升到你既lv。注:有其他種類既石,你可以去統計表既smithing lv到攞更加細既資料。
參考: 我,fireking766,乃member也。
2007-12-08 12:32 am
Are you mean knight sword? I will tell you now:
Difficulty: Intermediate

Length: Medium

Requirements: Level 10 mining. Some running past Ice giants and Ice warriors is necessary for lower levels.

Items Needed: Pickaxe, Redberry pie, 2 Iron bars

Quest Points Reward: 1

Reward: 12,725 Smithing EXP

Start Point: White Knight's Castle, Falador

Talk to Sir Vyvin's squire about his mishap, he'll direct you to Reldo at the Varrock Castle Library (located on the ground floor in castle at the back). Reldo will give you the location of the last Incamdo Dwarf in Runescape. (If you accidentally say you need a quest, you will start the Shield of Arrav quest, and until you find the book on one of the bookshelves, you will not be able to ask about the quest you really want to work on.)

Head southwest of Port Sarim to the cliff that Thurgo lives below. Give him your Redberry pie and he'll get talkative. He needs a picture so head back the White Knight's Castle. Talk to Sir Vyvin's squire to find out about the picture. Go up to the south side of the third floor and second floor . Search the cupboard in his bedroom while Sir Vyvin is not in the room. You'll get the picture.

Go back to Thurgo, bring the Iron bars, pickaxe and your armour etc. if you want to save yourself a later trip. Talk to Thurgo and he'll say you need Blurite ore. Go into the cave to the east, on the hill above his house. Head deep until you come to the ice room, run past the ice warriors and giants to the back wall, mine some Blurite ore quickly and get out of there.

Take the 2 Iron bars and Blurite ore to Thurgo and he'll make the sword. Take it back to the squire for your reward.

If interested here is how you can get yourself a Blurite sword and finish the quest!

Start the quest normally, until Thurgo the Dwarf tells you to get the materials.

Instead of getting 1 Blurite ore and 2 Iron bars, get 2 Blurite ores and 4 Iron bars.

Tell Thurgo to smith the sword when you're done getting the ingredients.
However, do NOT speak to him twice... yet.

After Thurgo gives you the sword, drop it and quickly, before it disappears, talk to him again. He'll make you another sword.

Pick up your sword and go back to Sir Vyvin's squire. Once again, drop one of your Blurite swords and quickly talk to Sir Vyvin's squire to give him one sword and get your reward.

Pick up your Blurite sword, and enjoy!

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