幫我睇一睇有無GRAMMAR 錯同有咩錯丫唔該- -

2007-12-06 3:56 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 5:18 am
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Good morning everyone. I am going to introduce a book "Stories Of Detection and Mystery" to all of you. This book is constituted by seven authors and there are eight different stories. Among these eight stories, I like the story, "The Blue Cross" , written by G.K. Chesterton most.

There are two main charactors, Valentin and Flambeau, in this story. Valenin is a detective while Flambeau is a thief. Flambeau has been planning to steal a jewelled silver cross from a prist, but Valentin prohibited the crime.
2007-12-09 5:17 am
Good morning everybody. I'm going to introduce a book called "Stories of Detection and Mystery" to all of you. The book is written by seven authors and there are altogether eight different stories in it. Among these eight stories, I like "The Blue Cross" most, which is written by G.K. Chesterton.

In this story, there are two main characters, namely Valentin and Flambeau. Flambeau was a theif while Valentin was a detective determined to catch him. Flambea tried to steal a jewelled silver cross from a priest but Valentin turned out succeeded in preventing the crime.
參考: myself

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